Why is the Republican Party of Florida doing this?
From the Peoples Audit
🚨Republican Party of Florida (RPOF) is purging Judeo-Christian Conservatives from the Republican Executive Committees Statewide🚨
The RPOF added rules into their bylaws in their last May 4th meeting specifically to purge FRA members out of the RECs.
This consolidates all power in the chairman, Even Powers, to decide who can have a political organization under the Republican flag inside Florida.
Not only are they trying to shut down a Judeo-Christian Political Organization, they are now putting out the word state wide to remove any members from our organization from our County Republican Executive Committees.
This is a blatant violation of our 1st Amendment rights to freely assembly and petition our government using the politcal process.
And you would never guess how deep the swamp is in Florida until you try to clean up the processes here. I have no doubt this is retribution for our work trying to clean up the voter rolls and elections here.
Looks like the Never Trumpers are taking their defeats well.