Why Haven’t the Pulpits Thundered
Today we ask why haven’t the Pulpits Thundered? Where is our modern-day Black Robe Regiment? We are in a fight to save our nation. The bible clearly inspired our founding documents including the Declaration of Independence and our Constitution which were based on Judeo/Christian values. During the revolutionary war, pastors and other clergy were given much of the credit for securing our freedom. The acted and preached about the Judeo/Christian values we were fighting for during the Revolutionary War. They awakened their flocks, and they were in the fight for our freedom!
Here is a brief summary of the Black Robed Regiment from the wallbuilders.com website.
The Black Robed Regiment was the name that the British placed on the courageous and patriotic American clergy during the Founding Era (a backhanded reference to the black robes they wore).1 Significantly, the British blamed the Black Regiment for American Independence,2 and rightfully so, for modern historians have documented that:
There is not a right asserted in the Declaration of Independence which had not been discussed by the New England clergy before 1763.3
It is strange to today’s generation to think that the rights listed in the Declaration of Independence were nothing more than a listing of sermon topics that had been preached from the pulpit in the two decades leading up to the American Revolution, but such was the case.
Influence of The Clergy
But it was not just the British who saw the American pulpit as largely responsible for American independence and government, our own leaders agreed. For example, John Adams rejoiced that “the pulpits have thundered”4 and specifically identified several ministers as being among the “characters the most conspicuous, the most ardent, and influential” in the “awakening and a revival of American principles and feelings” that led to American independence.5
Across subsequent generations, the great and positive influence of the Revolutionary clergy was faithfully reported. For example:
As a body of men, the clergy were pre-eminent in their attachment to liberty. The pulpits of the land rang with the notes of freedom.6 The American Quarterly Register [MAGAZINE], 1833
If Christian ministers had not preached and prayed, there might have been no revolution as yet – or had it broken out, it might have been crushed.7 Bibliotheca Sacra [BRITISH PERIODICAL], 1856
The ministers of the Revolution were, like their Puritan predecessors, bold and fearless in the cause of their country. No class of men contributed more to carry forward the Revolution and to achieve our independence than did the ministers. . . . [B]y their prayers, patriotic sermons, and services [they] rendered the highest assistance to the civil government, the army, and the country.8 B. F. Morris, HISTORIAN, 1864
The Constitutional Convention and the written Constitution were the children of the pulpit.9 Alice Baldwin, HISTORIAN, 1918
Had ministers been the only spokesman of the rebellion – had Jefferson, the Adamses, and [James] Otis never appeared in print – the political thought of the Revolution would have followed almost exactly the same line. . . . In the sermons of the patriot ministers . . . we find expressed every possibly refinement of the reigning political faith.10 Clinton Rossiter, HISTORIAN, 1953
The American clergy were faithful exponents of the fullness of God’s Word, applying its principles to every aspect of life, thus shaping America’s institutes and culture. They were also at the forefront of proclaiming liberty, resisting tyranny, and opposing any encroachments on God-given rights and freedoms. In 1898, Methodist bishop and church historian Charles Galloway rightly observed of these ministers:
Mighty men they were, of iron nerve and strong hand and unblanched cheek and heart of flame. God needed not reeds shaken by the wind, not men clothed in soft raiment [Matthew 11:7-8], but heroes of hardihood and lofty courage. . . . And such were the sons of the mighty who responded to the Divine call.11
But the ministers during the Revolutionary period were not necessarily unique; they were simply continuing what ministers had been doing to shape American government and culture in the century and a half preceding the Revolution.
You can learn more by clicking this link. History of the Black Robe Regiment – WallBuilders
We believe that to save our country we need a modern day Black Robed Regiment to stand up in the breach and inspire their flocks to action. They might just save our nation! Patriots ask yourself why the clergy is so silent today about this great fight for our country. Our country and the lives our founders and so many after them fought for are at stake. Our God given rights are being taken from us as the left and the globalists want us to worship them and their one world government.
Their private western banks are enslaving us. Their bioweapons like the Covid 19 vaccines, other vaccines and food additives are killing us. Our right to free speech is being taken away. They are killing babies in the womb and subjecting children and women to enslavement and sex trafficking. Our Representatives in both parties have been compromised by money, or blackmail or things perhaps worse and are for the most part being controlled by their puppet masters.
I left my church a few years ago as my pastor was not speaking out about so many things and I found out the church I had been a part of all my life was enabling all the trafficking across our southern border. I felt betrayed so I dug into my own bible and God filled me with his spirit and told me I had to get in the fight. I still hope today to find that Pastor in my local area who is thundering from the pulpit and leading his flock to get in the fight. I have talked to other god-fearing Patriots, and I hear the same stories. They ask the same questions I am presenting here. Why is our clergy so quiet. We all need to encourage our pastors to lead us in this fight between Good and Evil. Engage them and ask them to get in the fight. Pray that they awaken and become part of the New Black Robe Regiment to help lead us to take back our country. Encourage them to preach about which side is good and which side is evil and that we all must vote to save our country and perhaps we, like John Adams did over 250 years ago, will rejoice that the pulpits once again have thundered, and our nation will be restored!
Here is an informational video about the Black Robed Regiment! We suggest you watch it! Let us hear you thunder and recruit new modern day Black Robed regiment Clergy.
The National Black Robe Regiment (youtube.com)