The Treaty that the world considers unbreakable

Ever wonder why we are hell bent on exploring space, but the world knows nothing about Antartica? The Antartica treaty is the treaty that the world considers unbreakable. Open your mind and listen to this short video. This is the one treaty the world has kept for well over 60 years. Ever wonder why? Why not explore this area. Why can’t regular people go and explore there? Admiral Byrd in an interview after his expeditions there said it has unlimited resources. You can easily google and find this interview and other interesting comments he makes. Take a look and think about this. If you have an audience with a national representative, ask him why we have not exploited Antartica’s resources or explored it and what was so important about this area that this treaty was signed.

So, if you are curious watch the video. If it sparks your interest also research operation paperclip and the life of Werner Von Braun and operation fishbowl and check out Von Braun’s tombstone. In this age of the great awakening the video below poses questions that our leaders should and must answer.

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