The Left’s Power Grabbing Strategy
To understand what the left is trying to do all you have to do is look at and read about the eight steps needed to create a social state written by Saul Alinsky. Loved by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and Kamala Harris, Saul Alinsky can be credited as creating their 50,000-foot strategic game plan. This is in fact the left’s power grabbing strategy to a tee.
Every Patriot and American who really cares about our country must understand these 8 steps. If you actually spend time thinking about these steps you will instantly discern that the left is in fact destroying our country and feckless Uniparty republicans are allowing them to do it. The only step the left has not made significant progress in is step 4 gun control.
Once you see this you cannot unsee it. Read it carefully and file it for all time in your brain. Understanding this will help you improve your discernment and help you wake up! Let us know what you think!
Saul Alinsky’s 8 Steps of Levels of Control That Must Achieved To Become A Socialist State