Robert Kennedy Speech

Today we feature the full Robert Kennedy speech. Every Patriot and every American must listen and study and analyze and absorb this video. It was historical by every measure. If you listen closely, he is telling you about the corruption in his own party. He fully details the selection of Kamala Harris and how it disenfranchised millions of voters. He details the insanity of the Ukraine and how are government started the whole mess. Lastly, he speaks about all the health problems in America, their causes, and why we must wage war to regain our collective health and destroy or re-engineer our corrupt and captured health and food agencies. Finally, he speaks about his joining President Trump in a “UNITY PARTY”.

Why is this history? Because this is the beginning of the end of the democrat party! We also believe it could be the end of the Republican Party widely made up of Uniparty, and captured big money candidates. How many politicians in your county are captured. Here in Brevard County we believe money has captured many of our politicians as we see developers funding so many campaigns and Republicans and their PACS committing election interference and fraud on their own Party Candidates!

So do not be surprised if within the next 10 years a new political party emerges as Patriots in both parties decide enough is enough. We the People are sick of We the Money candidates! We believe there will in fact be a new political Party within the next ten years. Let us know what you think!

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