Republicans interfering with Republicans in Elections

Many of us in the MAGA movement embrace the march to complete election integrity. Our vision is to have completely fair, proper and transparent elections. We often criticize the left for their cheating and stop there. All around us today we see Republicans Interfering with Republicans in elections. We in the MAGA movement have to wake up and stop this. We have to recognize it happens on our side of the football.

For the past month we have been railing on the fraudulent and misleading Republican Voting Guides that were sent to Republicans in our county (Brevard) as well as 6 other Florida counties. If you do not realize it by now to many of our local politicians have been bought and paid for. In our county developers own too many of the politicians. This is also true at the state level. When this happens, “We the People” our neighborhoods and our state get screwed. How do we fix all this and begin to bring power back to the people? The start is to recognize it is in fact happening and find the root causes for this corruption. We believe we must reform the PAC Laws in Florida that were changed over a decade ago by some politicians who are still around today. At that time they either did not see the problem their reforms made or they did see it and gave the keys to controlling politicians from we the people to we the money.

We commend Rick Lacey the chair of our Republican Executive Committee for taking a stand against this corruption. This is an important step in the right direction. We must stand with him in this fight as he will take the heat from “We the Money” politicians their donors and their PAC’s.

Today we saw continued corruption in our own county when a notice was sent out to all the members of the Brevard Republican Executive Committee (BREC). Below you will see the exact post I made on the BREC facebook page yesterday. It is in review! Surprise, Surprise it is being censored. How do I know this? Other posts have been released. Imagine that Republicans censoring Republicans!

As it has been censored to date here it is. Check out what our Vice Chair is doing! Let us know what you think.

I am writing today to call out election interference on our side of the football yet again. This one in my opinion is disgusting. I recently received the BREC meeting notification which noted that three motions were accepted by the board for BREC endorsements to be voted on at the September 16th meeting.

In particular motion #2 disgusts me. Here it is.

2. Cindy Roberts made motion to endorse Sarah Stoeckel for Titusville City Council Seat 2. Robin Ricker seconded the motion.

Cindy Roberts should know better! We all need to call her out. This is out and out election interference. There are 2 republicans in this race. There are no other candidates. As the Vice Chair she should know better. Why would we ever endorse a candidate when we know a republican will win the seat. Cindy Roberts led a failed effort to run a vetting committee. I ask her who vetted her candidate? Just her? If not then who? Who vetted the other candidate? This is exactly the kind of corruption we should clamp down on.

I call upon the board (with Cindy Roberts recusing herself) to do the right thing and not allow this motion to get to the floor. I have no horse in this race as I live in district 3. This is BS establishment power politics. Wake up BREC members. This is clearly corruption.

Are you ready to take a stand to stop this. Let us know what you think!

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