Pay attention Florida residents – the corrupt florida Supervisors of elections is at work today with Conflicts of interests everywhere?

You cannot make this up. This is why we have little or no chance for Election Integrity Reform in Florida. We again ask why doesn’t everyone see how apparently corrupt the RPOF, Evan Power and David Ramba are.

BREAKING NEWS: MAJOR CONFLICT OF INTEREST! Tomorrow, Tuesday Feb 4, 2024 @ 8:30am, the Florida Senate on Ethics & Elections will be hearing from the Florida Supervisors of Elections (FSE). The FSE is attempting to bringing back the horrible election worker harassment bill which was soundly defeated last year when it became clear election workers could have election integrity advocates arrested and charged with a felony for harassment just for asking questions about elections. Also, they want to reverse the hard-fought expirations on mail ballot requests. Previous mail ballot requests would stay in their systems long after the voter moved out of the state or died. This resulted in millions of Floridian’s tax revenues wasted on undeliverable ballots which were stolen and used to rig elections. The law fixed this by asking voters to register to vote by mail in the same calendar year as the election. But most curious of all, we now see David Ramba was promoted to the Executive Director of FSE. Talk about the Fox guarding the hen house… How can an organization that is paid dues directly by County tax revenues employ the same person who is being paid to lobby for the organization? BIG conflict of interest here… Does Mr. Ramba sign FSE checks for his lobbyist firm Ramba Consulting, LLC? Also, if you check Ramba’s Team, how is Evan Power, the chair of the RPOF also a paid lobbyist on Ramba’s team? This is all a horrible conflict of interest! FRA fully disapproves of lobbyist running the FSE.




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