Editorial – The florida legislature has thumbed their noses at President trump’s america First Agenda.
Today’s editorial written by Mike Hoagland, who is the President of the very large Heritage Isle Republican Club criticizes the Rino Legislature and RPOF, and their donor class leaderships who have ignored Governor DeSantis’s strong Legislative Proposal to help President Trump with deportation efforts and immigration. We believe Mike Hoagland nails it in his editorial which we support 100%. Actions like this are waking up Floridians to all the shenanigans and corruption in Tallahassee. As America wakes up about the corruption in Washington their eyes will open to see all the corruption in Tallahassee and our county governments.
Remember when we thought after Nov 5th politics would quiet down? Well, Florida is turning out to be a haven for RINOs. Our Governor DeSantis called for a special session to be held in Tallahassee. The purpose of the session was to pass legislation on immigration to reflect President Trump’s America First policy. Unfortunately, the republican leadership rejected that request and set their own legislative date and agenda. The Florida legislature has basically thumbed their noses at President Trump’s America First agenda and undermined our Governor’s authority. Remember we had Bob White as our speaker and he said our legislature fails as a conservative group. That is why we need Bob White in Tallahassee. The RINOs will do or say anything to keep him out as he is an America First candidate.
What is the issue? The legislature wants to take immigration enforcement from the Governor and give it to the Commissioner of Agriculture. They know that will protect illegal immigrant agriculture workers. Of course, we pay for their schooling, medical care and all societal expenses as a result of crime or accidents. Also, the Governor wants to require anyone registering to vote to sign a statement declaring the person a citizen and acknowledge that it is a crime if not true. So, we become a sanctuary state with no control over voting violations. There are other issues in this proposed legislation but I assume the Governor will veto the bill. The republican legislature has super majorities and can override a veto.
Our Florida Republican legislature is out of control. They have not supported the America First agenda. Has RPOF responded in support of Governor DeSantis? Have any of the county Republican Executive Committees come out in support of our governor? The conduct of the republicans in power in Florida may well have lit a fire under the grass roots of those referred to as “We the People”.
“We the People” may well become a “Florida First” movement. Ironically, Donald Trump’s America First agenda caused a diverse coalition of Americans to come together and elect a common- sense leader. We see how the political elite have reacted. Both republicans and democrats are going crazy over his disruptive cabinet nominees. “We the People” with an election mandate, elected a man who would implement the America First agenda and rid our government of the rot in Wash DC. Donald Trump has put forth the most diverse qualified group of individuals in our history.
So, why can’t we as common- sense conservatives support a Florida First agenda. Why can’t we rally around a leader (to be determined) who reflects this kind of agenda. Florida is made up of a larger number of conservatives than most states. We have rot in Tallahassee and we can turn this around with the proper leadership. What occurred nationally can happen in Florida. It does require identifying the right leadership. It requires courage to take the smears and attacks. Trump demonstrated that it can be done.
I will close for now. Those who support this position should stay tuned as there will be more coming. Thanks for listening.
If you liked this editorial check out the other two articles we have posted about this subject! As always let us know what you think. We love the idea of a Florida Movement called Florida First!