Together we can make america Great Again
Our mission is to restore our Republic where our government is responsible solely to “We the People” of the United States. This essentially requires that we stop the global elite who are the puppet masters controlling the Uni-party at the national, state and county level. They also control President Biden and his administration, the Federal Reserve, the Military and Pharma Industrial Complex, virtually all large corporations, virtually all of the main street media, countless politically motivated NGO’s, much of our judiciary, and our culture being music sports and Hollywood. We must stop them as they are systematically destroying our sovereignty and ushering America into the New World Order. We wholeheartedly agree with President Trump that our biggest enemy is the enemy within!

Background and How We Got Here
Our Country today is failing for many reasons. Greed, power, and corruption seem to be at the heart of the problem for a century if not more. Great Presidents of our past recognized these problems. In the 1830’s President Andrew Jackson saw that the control of the banks at that time rested in the hands of wealthy. Most Americans today do not realize that the Federal Reserve is privately owned and controlled.
Jackson wrote that “great evils to our country and its institutions might flow from such a concentration of power in the hands of a few men irresponsible to the people” and vetoed the rechartering of the Second Bank of the United States. Abraham Lincoln had to fight the Rothchild private bankers and his issuance of USA greenbacks to finance the civil war was not received well by them.
Even then he recognized the problem with the wealthy overseas and in America controlling the financial system in our country. In 1913 our country was again betrayed when in a shady Christmas eve session of Congress created the privately owned (mostly by foreigners) Federal Reserve Board (FED) that had the power to create, manufacture and to price our currency. If Americans only understood all this perhaps things would be different today. Ironically three of America’s richest men who opposed the creation of the FED in 1913, John Astor, Isidor Strauss and Benjamin Guggenheim all died on the Titanic. Ironically just a few months later the IRS was also created. Can you say coincidence!
Fast forward to June of 1963 when President Kennedy recognized what Jackson and Lincoln realized and issued Executive Order No. 11110. His executive order was to be the beginning of returning to the US government the power to issue its own currency without going through the FED. He also at that time, some 60 years ago, warned about the same corrupt unelected deep state we are fighting today ( Ironically only a few short months later after taking these steps and after issuing these warnings he, like Lincoln, was assassinated.
President Eisenhower in his farewell speech in 1961 warned the American people of the Military Industrial Complex and its related reckless spending that would jeopardize our nation ( We see his warnings coming to a crisis point today.
Since the Kennedy era we have seen our government geometrically expand. With its expansion we see reckless and excessive government spending and government regulation and the loss our god given rights and freedoms. So much of our treasure has gone to endless wars promoted by the military industrial complex and funded on both sides by the corrupt private central bankers that do not benefit mankind or the American people. Today our deficit is increasing at the rate of a trillion dollars every hundred days. This is not sustainable, and our children and grandchildren will be saddled with this burden and the ramifications of this debt. Most people in the world today do not understand that the same institutions and people who control our Federal Reserve are the same institutions and people who control almost every other central bank of countries around the world. Think about that for a moment. The same people who promote a one world government control every meaningful central bank around the world. They also control 90% of the media around the world, and virtually all the large corporations around the world. Ask yourself this simple question why has there never been an audit of the FED?
As our federal government and the unelected deep state has grown they were helped in 1984 by the ruling called Chevron v. Natural Resources Defense Council. This ruling essentially allowed unelected bureaucrats to regulate the area they oversee. Every conservative must understand this case as it drastically increased the power of the administrative deep state. The Supreme Court recently has decided to review this case.
Essentially these global elites who control our money, the military and pharma industrial complex, all our large corporations, virtually all the media we see, countless politically motivated NGOs, and our culture (music, sports, and Hollywood) are trying to destroy our sovereignty and usher our country into the New World Order. They control the Uni-party politicians, much of the judiciary and President Biden who are all in essence captured and are acting on their behalf, and not on We the People’s behalf.
Ever wonder how these politicians go into office and in the matter of a few years become wealthy? Perhaps the answer is they are easy to compromise and control by various means because there are no term limits, and We the People are distracted in so many ways and do not work to hold them accountable. These same global elites continually distract us by trying to divide us by race, color, income, and religious beliefs. They have worked tirelessly by attacking our Judeo/Christian values, our American heritage, the nuclear family and are going after our children.
They want God eliminated from our lives and they want us to worship them instead. They have taken God out of our schools and families. They instigate wars and promote open borders and have taken our good paying jobs overseas. They ask us to worship at alter of the new green deal and have taken away our energy independence. They preside over a two-tiered justice system. Are you seeing the big picture? They are systematically weakening us and America! This extremely small minority has captured and now controls most of the world and we have let them do it. We have been asleep for decades if not centuries. This is why we are now in a biblical time. The people of the world are essentially all good people. All they need to do is open their eyes, ask for God’s help and discernment and get involved and stop this and hold these elites accountable for their crimes. We the People of this country can not only save our country and perhaps the world, but we can also usher in the greatest spiritual revival the world has ever seen. We just need to band together and stop the madness. Our President, Donald J. Trump is the tip of the spear, but he needs us to work together and help him restore our freedoms and our country. Are you ready to get involved? Our hope is to inspire you to find your courage to speak out and get involved at the grassroots level where you reside.
Who we Are and Why We Fight
We are conservative men and women of faith who love our families, our neighbors, and our Country. We embrace and believe in President Trump’s America First Agenda. We consider ourselves MAGA patriots first and republicans second. For most of our lives we have been working to make our world a better place, to provide for our families and to live the life God has planned for us. We have for most of our lives believed in our government and what it stood for. Distracted by our jobs and family responsibilities we have fallen into a slumber and readily believe the narratives our government and their controlled mainstream media have been dishing up for decades as they have been brainwashing us.
Despite being asleep our gut has been telling us for some time so much does not add up. Why the endless wars that take our children to battle and waste our hard-earned tax dollars? None of these wars for decades have provided any real benefit to our country other than weakening it. Why are they creating ever increasing massive deficits with ridiculous continuing resolutions when we must manage our households and only spend what we earn and not more.
Why can’t our government do the same? Why are they waging war on our values and our heritage and opening our borders as they try to divide us and change us into something we do not want to be? Why do they work relentlessly to remove God from our schools and lives? Why were they so hell bent for us to take an experimental vaccine. Why did they work so hard to steal our elections. Why do we continue to use corrupt globalist voting machines when both democrats and republicans have complained about them the past 20 years? Why do they want us to worship them? Why does everything they tell us turn out to be lies? Why has the RNC and so many national, state and county republicans failed us, “We the People” and how do we fix this?
Eight years ago, during his first presidential campaign Donald J. Trump told us what we had to do together. All we had to do was open our eyes! This video was and is still prophetic to this day. (This Video Will Get Donald Trump Elected (
Our movement requires that “We the People” wake up and fight to rid our country and the world of the corrupt system and the corrupt controlled politicians within it that care nothing about us but only cares about itself and their power and wealth.
God has summoned us to wake up and many of us have. We need to put on the full armor of God and ask for his discernment and fight their plans to enslave and hurt us. Many are beginning to wake up and step back and ask the right questions. Our job is to do his work for the good of our country and for his earth.
We fight because we must and not because we want to! We are at the precipice, and we have to fight to save our country and its people and for the restoration of our freedom, rights and country which we are losing every day.
“Get going. Move forward. Aim High. Plan a takeoff.
Don’t just sit on the runway and hope someone will come along and push the airplane.
Change your attitude and gain some altitude. Believe me, you’ll love it up here.”
Donald Trump
How We Take Our Country Back
To take back our country every Patriot must volunteer and get into the fight at their local county level. We suggest that they read the Precinct Strategy ( and then become involved with their local county Republican Executive Committee or Republican Party. We believe the Republican National Committee and its state Committees have failed us. So many of our elected county, state and federal officials have failed us. Our side, the Republican side is the biggest problem we face. This is why our job can be frustrating!
Consider the answers to these questions which have been posed to the American people:
- Should a county, state or federal government routinely or continuously spend more money than they receive?
- Should we have open borders?
- Should we fund endless wars and place our sons and daughters in harm’s way in conflicts where we have no national interest?
Studies and polls indicate that at least 75% of adult Americans on both sides of the aisle answer NO to these questions. So why do we have deficits, open borders and endless wars? The answer is simple. Our elected officials are most likely compromised, or for their own financial or political interest would rather represent the Donor Class rather than “We the People” who elected them. So many Patriots have gotten in the fight after the stolen election of 2020. Our first fight is we have to battle RINO’s and the apparatus they created to take control of our County Republican Committees. We then must hold all of our elected officials accountable. Next, we must find and vet outstanding MAGA candidates and then support and organize them to primary existing failed Republican candidates. We then must work to get them elected. Most Republicans do not fight for us or represent our values and constantly disappoint us. This website is devoted to getting motivated MAGA Patriots the tools they need to make a difference and take over all 3244 Republican Committees or their equivalent in this nation.
The Toolbox Required To Take Back Our Country One County At A Time.
Taking back our Country will not be an easy task. On a personal basis it will require a commitment of time and perseverance. Remember you are fighting not only for yourself and your country but for the future of your family, children, and grandchildren. As a Patriot you will also be honoring all the men and women who fought for and died for our freedoms and this country before you. Their sacrifices cannot be forgotten. Ask God for inspiration to be courageous. Read the bible and pray each day for God’s help and discernment. Become an expert of our founding documents and commit to understanding the significant issues before your Nation, State and County and how they can be overcome.
Your next step is to join your County Republican Executive Committee (REC) or Party. This is where you will find like-minded people willing to fight side by side with you. You must remember these organizations for the most part are not overly open to change so you will have to organize and work together to be successful. Encourage other Patriots you know to join. You will have much more power with more MAGA Patriots. Typically, every county REC’s work has been primarily focused on getting out the vote and to help Republican campaigns at the grassroot level. Ironically, and too often, these Committees do not hold their Republican office holders accountable and do not do a good job of recruiting great MAGA candidates and vetting them. Too often if a candidate has an R next to their name they are minimally vetted and supported blindly. The established Republican apparatus may support them because these individuals are supporting the Uni-party Agenda. To get things done you may have to push out existing County REC Leadership. That is done by organizing the Patriots in your County Committee and coming up with your own leadership slate.
The Tools Needed
- The First tool you will need is a Platform. The reason this document is needed and how it can be used is explored in detail below. A team of 6 to 8 Patriots from your County REC should be able to produce one in 3 to 4 months.
- The Second Tool you will need is multiple groups of Patriots from your county REC who are willing to follow the activities and voting records of your elected Republican officials. At a minimum you will need a group of Patriots to follow your Republican County Commissioners, County School Board Members, County Supervisor of Elections, County Sheriff and State Senators and State Representatives from your county. You will also have to follow any Federal Representative from your County. This means you will need at least six teams. It is their job to routinely meet with them and A) discuss issues of the day, B) lobby them for votes that best coincide with our values and C) finally record and grade each and every vote they cast. Each of these six groups should prepare a monthly report of their findings for the full county REC. At least three to four team members should be in each group. If you can successfully create and operate these groups you can consider expanding this program for all the other municipal and judicial positions in your County. Your County Platform will help you grade the votes of these office holders cast.
- The Third Tool is to have group of 6 to 8 Patriots from your County REC review and report on the nature and character of the campaign donations each Republican office holder and/or Candidate receives in the six office holder groups mentioned in 2 above. The results of their findings should be reported to the full County REC quarterly. Following the money always leads to great questions as to why they vote the way they do.
- The Fourth Tool is to have a group of say 10 Patriots from your County REC take on the task of vetting, in intimate detail, any new Republican Candidates. Vetting should include background and credit checks, a review of their and their spouses or significant other’s social media accounts. A full review of their life’s work, accomplishments and failures should be undertaken. One, or perhaps more vetting sessions, should be required to ask questions after they have been given the platform to read and they have filled out your county vetting document. Their ability to communicate and a deep dive into why they want to run and how they will do it should be explored in the vetting sessions.
- The Fifth Tool is to have a group of 8 to 10 Patriots from your County REC take on the task of identifying and recruiting Great MAGA candidates. Too often this is done at the last minute. Each County should have a bull pen of great MAGA candidates. Thinking 2 to 10 years down the road is the preferred way to do this.
- The Sixth and Final Tool is to have an Election Integrity Committee made up of 10 Patriots that fight for the highest level of voter integrity in your County and State.
Our ULTRA-MAGA Platform and Agenda 47
Below you will find a Platform prepared by Patriots in Brevard County Florida. As you learned above, a Platform is an extremely important tool to be used by Patriots in every County in America to take control away from politicians who cater to the donor class or globalists rather than “We the People”. Our research shows that a document like this makes RINOS nervous. This document can be used as a scorecard to measure an elected official’s performance against what we the people believe is important. It can also be used as a scorecard to vet new candidates along with the other tools required to do an effective vetting. We encourage you to read it. It includes all of President Trump’s Agenda 47 policy statements. It also can be used as an educational tool to bring Patriots up to speed on important issues of the day in areas they may not be knowledgeable about.
Unlike many platforms this platform presents actionable steps to get to the desired outcomes articulated in the platform. This also makes politicians nervous. As most business professionals know, if you cannot measure something you cannot fix it. So, use this Platform to measure candidates and officeholders. If you would like a copy of this platform for your county, please feel free to use it as a guide to develop your own. You can download it below. Remember in addition to outlining MAGA values and policies on the national level this document also outlines MAGA values for the state of Florida and Brevard County. For your state or county, you would have to tailor your platform. If your county does not agree with the national position outlined in this platform you could tailor it as well. The idea is to create your platform. Always remember a platform is a living document and should be updated at least annually. We recommend at least semiannually or if a new issue warrants it.
Our Constitutional Documents
Below you will find links to our most significant founding documents. Every American Patriot that believes in MAGA principles must read and understand these documents. These documents include the Declaration of Independence, The Bill of Rights and most important the Constitution of the United States. Our Founding Fathers worked tirelessly to leave us a framework that if we understood it, and fought for it, our Republic would survive and flourish. Studies today show that roughly only 33 to 40% of adult Americans can name all three branches of our government. This is horrifying, but for years we have allowed this to happen. So, arm yourself with the Founder’s wisdom. Download and read these documents. Share them with your children, family, and friends. A population that understands these documents, and the principles enshrined therein, is less likely to allow our country to fail. If you have extra time, consider reading the Federalist Papers. These documents will help you understand the work and process our Founders undertook to debate and finalize these documents.
The Constitution
Declaration of Independence
The Bill of Rights
Trusted Media
Who We Watch
Most Americans today still get their news from the Main Street Media (MSM). In 2015 presidential candidate Donald Trump Began calling them “Fake News”. At the time most Americans did not understand how media had changed in our country. He not only understood it, but in his first campaign, found a way to get his message out using new media called social media. Twitter and Facebook were the best examples. What he understood long ago and what most Americans do not understand today is that the MSM is completely corrupt and 90% of it is controlled by 6 global elite companies (see the illustrations below).
The MSM caters to their own interests and not the interest of the American people. He also knew Americans were getting more and more of their news and information on social media. To make matters worse in 2012 the National Defense Authorization Act pushed by the Obama administration was passed that allowed the government to go beyond manipulating mainstream media outlets and directly disseminate campaigns of misinformation to the U.S. public. Most Americans do not understand this. Many conservatives today still believe Fox News is the Right’s new outlet. They do not understand that this Corporation is owned by foreigners with no allegiance to our country. If you continue to watch them, you will never wake up as they spew the left’s, uni-party’s and globalist narratives day and night.
If you watch you must assume everything they report, typically the exact opposite is usually actually true. Impeachment #1, Impeachment #2, Russia Russia Russia, Covid 19 origin, vaccine safety and ethics committee, the Hunter Biden Laptop from Hell, the Election was not Stolen and the January 6th narratives were all lies and examples of this. If you cannot escape the MSM and you feel obligated to watch, we suggest you watch CNN or MSNBC. While watching these MSM outlets may make you sick, by watching them you will get to see the globalist elites’ narratives which will help you improve your critical thinking. Then go watch or read some real Patriot/MAGA media. MAGA media despises the Uni-party, and they will open your eyes and minds. If all you watch is the MSM we will lose the Information War.
Below you will find what media outlets we think you should stop watching and which media outlets we believe you should be watching. Legacy media is dying so get on the new train and watch true conservative MAGA media. We also suggest you get a Truth Social, GETTR, Rumble, X (formally Twitter) or Telegram account(s). If you want to follow President Trump, then Truth Social is where you should go. If you ignore the MSM you will awaken at a much faster pace and understand exactly who the real enemies are and what we must do to reclaim our country.
America’s Voice
Frank Speech
Tucker Carlson
Gateway Pundit
The Epoch Times
Revolver News
The National Pulse
Precinct Strategy
Untrusted Media
Who We Don’t Watch
Why We Don’t Watch
The mainstream media are owned by the six largest media corporations in the United States. These corporations, known as the “Big Six”, control over 90% of the media outlets in the country. This level of control over various forms of media allows for significant influence on public opinion and discourse.
Learn more about
Conservative Influencers & Authors You Should Consider Following
Below you will find the suggested Patriot influencers you should consider following. They provide a unique perspective and analysis on what is really going on in our Country and provide the real truth in the information war that we need to keep current on to win the information war and reclaim our country. We recommend that you follow them all. We show them in our perceived order of importance.
Also below you will find conservative and MAGA books we believe you should consider reading. These books help you digest what the real truth is and what needs to be accomplished to restore our freedoms and take our country back.
President Trump on Truth Social
Join Truth Social to follow President Trump as he influences conversations and shares exclusive insights.
Steve Bannon on GETTR
Steve Bannon leads the Populist National Movement and the Warroom as MAGA wages war against the Uni-party and globalists.
Tucker Carlson On X
Follow Tucker Carlson on X, and the Tucker Carlson Network, as he truth bombs and red pills America and disrupts Uni-Party narratives.
Lara Logan on X or Truth Social
Stay ahead of the news cycle and engage with unfiltered perspectives from a respected voice in the media.
Charlie Kirk on X
Follow Charlie Kirk and Turning Point USA as he leads the youth in America to Conservative and Populist Nationalist values.
Seth Keshel on Telegram or Substack
Exclusive access to data-driven perspectives about election integrity and that the 2020 election was in fact stolen.
Dr. Naomi Wolfe on X
Access data driven and thought-provoking insights about vaccination injuries that challenge conventional narratives.
Donald Trump Jr on Truth Social
Join Donald Trump Jr on Truth Social for exclusive updates, authentic conversations, and unfiltered perspectives.
Robert W Malone M.D. on X
Read commentary, thought-provoking analysis, and informed perspectives on current events, covid vaccines, and conservative values.
Mike Davis on X and Truth Social
Stay informed about the Supreme Court, the US Judicial system and on all the lawfare being waged on conservatives including Donald Trump.
Raheem Kassam on X and Truth Social
Follow Raheem for bold conservative perspectives, incisive political analysis, and compelling commentary on current affairs.
DC Draino on X
Follow DC Draino on X for a refreshing take on conservative viewpoints, engaging discussions, and insightful analysis of current political dynamics.
Books We Recommend
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